August 30th, 2018: Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) awards Peritia LLC a two- year BPA Call Order for TV News Support Services.
Peritia LLC has been awarded a two-year contract on a blanket purchase agreement for TV News Support Sevices by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), an executive agency of the US federal government. Peritia LLC is an SBA certified HubZone small business concern providing project management, cybersecurity, and business support services.
September 20th, 2017: Peritia LLC awarded a three-year subcontract by Department of Energy prime contractor, MSA LLC.
Mission Support Alliance (MSA) LLC, the Department of Energy prime contractor, working on the Hanford Site cleaning up has awarded a three-year project management support contract to Peritia LLC. Peritia LLC is supporting MSA’s Business Operations unit. Peritia LLC is an SBA certified HubZone small business concern providing project management, cybersecurity, and business support services.
Feb 8th, 2017 – Peritia LLC Receives SBA HubZone Certification from the SBA.
Peritia LLC is pleased to announce that it has received the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) HubZone Certification. This SBA HubZone Certification will allow Federal agencies and prime contractors to more easily work directly with Peritia LLC.